Important Announcement: Our Facebook page was Removed Temporarily by Facebook April 2024

We, at, have always catered to the fans of Portuguese soccer star, Cristiano Ronaldo. As the first platform to bring you news about the player, from his sporting career to his personal life, we gathered 20 million followers. Whether it’s the news about his transfer to Juventus or his possible fatherhood, we have brought you all the hottest news pieces.

List of Top Players 2024 Lat Updated April 2024

But recently, our Facebook page has been suspended by mistake. We are constantly in touch with the official authority of Facebook, and have received the assurance that they will revert soon.

As soon as we hear back from them, we will go live again. We hope that the page will be running very soon, and we shall be able to provide updates on CR7 all day!

Thanking all of you for your kind support and cooperation. We will get back to you with our official Facebook page shortly. In the meantime.