Antonio Conte says he can make Eden Hazard as great as Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi

Antonio Conte says he can make Eden Hazard as great as Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi

New Chelsea manager Antonio Conte assures that can help Eden Hazard to reach to the level of Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi.

Hazard was centred to Chelsea title-winning campaign in 2014-15, but struggled to perform last season, as Blues finished 10th in the premier league.

Antonio Conte says he can make Eden Hazard as great as Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi


I can make Eden Hazard as great as Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi, says Antonio Conte

And Conte believes he can lift the spirit of Chelsea players: “These players, with work, can still improve a lot,” said Conte. “Because now we have players, fantastic players, who have great talent but in this moment the world doesn’t think they are the same level as Lionel Messi, Luis Suarez, Neymar, Cristiano Ronaldo or Paul Pogba.

“But in our squad there are players who, with work, can improve a lot and reach this level. I’m sure about this.

“It’s important that the players understand they must work to show that ‘Now I am a top player, but I want to become top, top, top, top and want to stay there’.

I can make Eden Hazard as great as Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi, says Antonio Conte


“The mentality is important. The heart is important. Patience and the will to improve is very important. And in this case it’s important for the manager to take the best players and try to improve them.”

Last season was bad for all the players, it’s incredible that Chelsea finished 10th in the table.

“The habit of Chelsea is to win the title or to stay until the end of the season fighting to win the title, to play in the Champions League.

I can make Eden Hazard as great as Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi, says Antonio Conte

“And last season it was incredible, not only for Hazard but for other players also. It’s important for us to recover Hazard in the best condition: technique, tactical, physical, overall and with the good mentality.

“But I spoke with him and I’m very happy. I’m pleased to train a fantastic player like him and also the other players.

“It’s important for me, I repeat, next season to create the right spirit in the team and with great organisation, a great physical condition we can have a good season.”